Saturday, April 27, 2019

Finite element method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Finite element method - Essay ExampleIn order to forefend this situation one must work in SI units (David, 2006).The Finite element Method refers to a process of approximating a structure while considering that a structural analysis is existence conducted, and existence of several potential sources of error. Major sources of errors include several simplifications in structure model, element order, scads and boundary conditions, numerical, examples of errors from simplified deputation, and general warning (David, 2006).Referred as disfeaturing, this simplification process usually involves taking come forward small details. It works well when judgeed on the areas where omitted details are low. It is crucial to consider that tart radii stooge increase the underline to a great extent. Ideally, its expected to start with a simple representation of the actual component and analysing if it is working as expected. If it is turning out as expected, more details can be added at every stage. With every repeat analysis, further details are added. In this way, it is realistic to gain appreciation of the details that needs to be incorporate (David, 2006).All components have fixed radii at edges. However, a common perception should be ignored that small radii make sharp corner. It may not influence an exterior corner, however, for a sharp re-entrant, corner end up in a stress singularity. In stress singularity refinement of the FEA mesh will result in increased stress values with reduction in element size. Stress results are not requires while displacement results may work, however, a rational approximation of the radius should be utilized in the model. In order to avoid this issue, model components can be made with a substance that can identify plastic bend, however, the bosom at the sharp re-entrant will continue to be unlimited. If stressors are not required, induction of a sharp re-entrant will not influence the results and simplification process will lead to simplify model, for instance,

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